It is with great pleasure that we inform you that Dr. Krsteski’s gynecology office at the Outpatient Clinic in Shuto Orizari has started working!!!
Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 15:00 and on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 20:00.
The practice works with a previously scheduled examination. Appointments can be made at the counter or on the phone number: +389 77 688 782

If you need additional information about gynecological examinations, you can ask our paralegals who are in the field every day, or you can come to the premises of the “I want to know” Youth Center, which is located in the Outpatient Clinic in Shuto Orizari, or you can call on the phone number: 02 2651 955.
Association Initiative for Women’s Rights from Shuto Orizari welcomes the process in which we and civil society organizations operating in Shuto Orizari actively represented.

We appeal to the Ministry of Health to take serious steps in changing the law on health care, because in the past we witnessed the opening of a gynecological office in Shuto Orizari by almost every minister of health!
The Ministry of Health and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia should provide primary health services to the citizens of the municipality of Shuto Orizari. Our country should and must provide equal healthcare for all citizens without discrimination.
We congratulate with hope and desire for permanent and systemic solutions for the Roma community in our country!

Association Initiative for Women’s Rights from Shuto Orizari continues to advocate, inform, encourage and educate women in the municipality of Shuto Orizari about sexual and reproductive health.