Project: “Promoting the health and social rights of the Roma and enabling equal access to health and social services”
Foundation Open Society Macedonia – FOM Title of the project: “Promoting the health and social rights of the Roma and enabling equal access to health and social services” Implementation period: from 01.01.2022 to 31.08.2022 Budget: $25,000
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Project: The research is to respect the approach and functionality of the system for the protection of Roma women against gender-based violence and domestic violence, in accordance with the Law on Protection from Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.
“EERC – European Roma Rights Center” Project title: The research is to respect the approach and functionality of the system for the protection of Roma women against gender-based violence and domestic violence, in accordance with the Law on Protection from Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. Implementation period: from 01.10.2021 to 31.12.2021 Budget: 9,300 euros
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