In the last decade, The Initiative for rights of women from Suto Orizari along with HERA –Association for health eduacation and research has completed 10 research papers, grade card from the community.The grade card from the community is a research who investigates the approach to services meant for sexual and reproductive health to Roma women from Suto Orizari in the time frame of pregnancy, giving birth and the first few months into their motherhood.The grade card from the community is a tool for following and grading the approach and services associated with reproductive health. By this we can identify, analyze and spread the problems to the ones that can help so that there will be an effective and long lasting results.

Компаративна анализа на пристапот и услугите за сексуално и репродуктивно здравје на ромките од Шуто Оризари (1)